Release 1.20 - Templating



The release 1.20 (Friday, September 17, 2021) introduces a full template system based on the iterator component where you can select pages data via SQL and iterates over them to create powerful design layout.

  • With the advent of the iterator, we have standardized the analytics name. If you have queries running on the analytical data, you should change them.
    • words_count is now word_count
    • id has been deleted and has become path
  • Php 5.6 is no more supported




  • The image metadata handles now two levels of image definitions allowing to group image.
  • The callstack manager can handle bad/old handler to prevent a fatal error such as Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property ImageMap_Handler::$calls
  • imagemapping supports added (links should still not be on list) and we don't take over with our link component
  • The masonry layout is now working with the iterator (The card and blockquote were searching themselves the context and got the iterator in place of masonry)


  • card-columns has been rename to masonry to give a better description of what the layout is doing.



  • Snippets of code could be missing (such as prism to highlight the code) on certain page due to the new historical breadcrumb that created snippets scoped to the previous page because of the link that can be protected. The snippets are now merged to prevent any scope related problem.
  • The format saved for the published date was actually not IS08601 compliant because the DATE_ISO8601 constant in PHP is actually not compliant but was kept for backward compatibility. The new constant format used in php is the one pointed in the documentation, namely DATE_ATOM.
  • Setting an id on a marki heading is overwritten by the id generator making it useless. Solution to Broken link discussion
  • Bad Svg were not tested and could then crash the rendering of a page. The icon, the svg and svg optimization has been corrected
  • Bug: svg was only visible for admin/manager when there was no cache (There was no mime due to security reason, we have added svg as supported format only for rendering).

Temporary warning

The Published format has changed that can cause temporary warning until the data is refreshed.

Task Runner