Thanks to Rob, Eiwind, knieselpriem and our customers, the Release 1.25.3
- adds:
- 2 new features
- 3 improvements
- resolved 3 bugs
- and improve the documentation
Follow the upgrade steps and contact us for better documentation, question or support.
New Features
Example Line highlighting:
<p>Line 1</p>
<p>Line 2</p>
<p>Line 3</p>
<p>Line 4</p>
<p>Line 5</p>
- A howto has been created to show how you can use the start date and end date: How to generate a list of events?
- We have added the date section in the Page Sql to show how to make a filtering.
- Prompt and line-numbers were overwriting each other on prism component. The prompt is not shown if the line numbers option has been set. Bug
- External Metadata manipulation may lead to null value
- Access false in the link preview attribute - We now accept false as value in the preview attribute if the auto preview is on
- infinite loop on unknown URL parameters creating a memory error - User manager breaks when combo enabled - The logging system was logging unknown parameters creating a loop if combo was creating the context.
- heading numbering at 0. Combostrap supports the flat HTML of Dokuwiki and the modern HTML section for heading. The heading counters were not reset in the good node as requested by CSS. commit
- Bad TOC when Heading is disabled for the include plugin - The TOC was not built correctly when the heading component was disabled.