A Combostrap WebSite
- is a collection of files (pages, images, …)
- that can run everywhere thanks to the ComboStrap Docker image.
It permits to develop and publish website collaboratively (locally or remotely) using Git.
Default WebSite
The Default WebSite is a website that is installed by default with DokuWiki Docker when no site is specified.
Run it:
docker run \
--name combo-site-default \
--rm \
-p 8081:80 \
-e DOKU_DOCKER_GIT_SITE=https://github.com/ComboStrap/site-default \
The default ComboStrap site should be available at: http://localhost:8081
A ComboStrap WebSite is a subset of a DokuWiki Installation stored in a Git repository.
By default, the following files and directory are included:
- .gitignore - defines the files of a DokuWiki Installation that should be added to the git repository.
- data/pages/* - all pages
- data/media/* - all media (images, files, …)
- data/combo/* with the combo theme (theme, …) and plugins definition
- conf/local.php - the configuration
- conf/*.local.* - all local configuration files (interwiki.local.conf, …)
- conf/tpl/* - the template configuration files (style.ini, …)
- lib/images/interwiki - the interwiki images
The plugins definition file data/combo/instance/plugins.dat is used by the ComboStrap DokuWiki Docker Image to install the needed plugins of your site.
Example from the default ComboStrap Website
# The plugins installed by ComboStrap DokuWiki Docker (https://combostrap.com/admin/docker-9iq3aso8)
sqlite https://github.com/cosmocode/sqlite/archive/master.zip
combo https://github.com/ComboStrap/combo/archive/main.zip
move https://github.com/michitux/dokuwiki-plugin-move/archive/master.zip
searchindex https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-searchindex/archive/master.zip
stale https://github.com/ComboStrap/stale/archive/main.zip
dump https://github.com/ComboStrap/dump/archive/main.zip
The file is a space-delimited file with the following fields:
pluginName pluginArchiveUrl
- pluginName is the plugin name (ie the base property defined in the plugin_info file)
- pluginArchiveUrl is the URL of a zip archive.
pluginArchiveUrl can defined the plugin version on different ways. For example:
- The last commit on the main branch: https://github.com/ComboStrap/combo/archive/main.zip
- The combo plugin release 1.25.3 from the GitHub Release by:
- its commit hash: https://github.com/ComboStrap/combo/archive/ec02c60.zip