ComboStrap UI - Masonry

Undraw Website Builder Re Ii6e


masonry is a layout component. Its children are laid out like a mason-fitting stones in a wall (placing elements based on available vertical space).

This layout is handy when you want to lay out a list of components that do not have a uniform height (Ie to mix small and big cards for instance).

A masonry layout is generally used with cards or blockquotes.


   <!-- Component -->


With static element


        <heading 3>Teaser Title</heading>
        A example taken from [[|the bootstrap quick example]] on how to build a card title in order to make up the bulk of the teaser content. 
        <btn>[[:start|Go to this page !]]</btn>

        Lorem ipsum [[:start|dolor]] sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.
        <cite>Someone famous in [[:start|Source Title]]</cite>

Teaser Image 1
Teaser Title

A example taken from the bootstrap quick example on how to build a card title in order to make up the bulk of the teaser content.

Go to this page !

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

With a dynamic list of pages

Example of a list of Recent Articles Changed with an iterator.

    <data>select where path != ':start' and is_low_quality = 0 order by date_modified desc limit 8</data>
    <heading d4 align="text-center" spacing="mb-3"> Recent Articles Changed </heading>
            <card clickable>
            <page-image featured ratio="21:9" default="first|ancestor|vignette|logo" />
            <heading 3>$title</heading>
            <itext color="muted">//Modified - ${date_modified | format('EEEE dd MMMM')}//</itext>

            ${description | head(100, "...")}  [[$path| ]]
Recent Articles Changed
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Bootstrap 5 support

If you use Bootstrap version 5, you may see that the output is slightly different than with Bootstrap version 4.

This is because Bootstrap version 5 does not support card-column anymore and we have implemented it manually.

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