ComboStrap Analytics - Data (JSON)


ComboStrap performs regularly analytical calculation on pages.


The analytical data are composed of three parts:


This data are accessible:


You can get the analytical data as json with an export.

  • via a direct URL by by adding ?do=export_combo_analytics to a page URL. For instance, to get the data of the actual page, click on this button
  • via the Analytics menu item by clicking on the following icon (only for logged user)

The analytical process is done only when the file has changed. If you want to perform it again or overcome the cache, add to your URL, the following query parameter: &purge=true


The Analytical data are stored in the database in the analytics column of the page table in a json format. You can then query it with the json function of SQLite.

For instance, you can then execute a query such as the following that extracts low quality pages and their words and links statistics

	json_extract(analytics,'$.quality.failed_mandatory_rules') as failed_rules,
	json_extract(analytics,'$.statistics.late publication page') as words,
	json_extract(analytics,'$.statistics.internal_links_count') as internal_links,
	json_extract(analytics,'$.statistics.internal_backlinks_count') as internal_backlinks
json_extract(analytics, '$.quality.low') = true

To know how to query the database online, check this page ComboStrap - How to query the database

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