A bar - A horizontal region

Undraw Website Builder Re Ii6e


A bar is an ui component that divides a page in horizontal region.

Visually, the division can be done through the use of a:

bar are used:


Bar with a blue background

<bar color="white" text-align="center" background-color="blue">
    <heading 2>A blue slide</heading>
    <text lead>
**A unique collection of UI elements that are all flexible, modular and composable.  \\
A complete solution to building a professional website.**
A blue slide

A unique collection of UI elements that are all flexible, modular and composable.
A complete solution to building a professional website.

Bar with a background image

<bar color="steelblue" text-align="center" >
    <title 2>A blue slide</title>
    <text lead>
**A unique collection of UI elements that are all flexible, modular and composable.  \\
A complete solution to building a professional website.**
A blue slide

A unique collection of UI elements that are all flexible, modular and composable.
A complete solution to building a professional website.


<bar hero="md|sm|lg|xl">
   My horizontal bar


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