Page URL (canonical URL)
The page url is the unique official URL of a page and is also known in the SEO world as the canonical url.
This url:
- is created via the link component
- is in the sitemap
- is used when users bookmark your pages.
- shows in
- helps Search Crawler to detect duplicate pages
- is the target url of every redirection
When you choose a permanent url type, ComboStrap will add a short page identifier based on the page id at the end.
Even if you change the type or content of the URL, the router will always be able to find the page.
The syntax is:
- With a Nice Url:
- Otherwise:
This page has the slug :canonical-url and has the permanent url:
The page URL may get the following format:
Type | URL Path | Permanent | Default |
page path | the page path | No | Na |
permanent page path | the page path and the short page identifier | Yes | Na |
canonical path | the canonical path | No | page path |
permanent canonical path | the canonical path and the short page identifier | Yes | permanent page path |
slug | the slug path and the short page identifier | Yes | page title in slug format |
hierarchical slug | the page name of all parent home pages, the slug path and the short page identifier | Yes | Na |
homed slug | the page name of the parent home page, the slug path and and the short page identifier | Yes | Na |
You may choose the format with the page url type configuration
The page URL type may be chosen with the pageUrlType configuration.
If you choose a permanent URL, the page id becomes the only identifier.
The metadata should then be backed up.
- if you have enabled the frontmatter, you may only backup your page
- otherwise you need to backup also the page metadata directory
Relative / Absolute
When using a page path URL, you can change the URL path via the canonical configuration between:
- relative (default):
- or absolute (the domain is added)
For all other type, the URL is absolute.
You can configure your installation to show nice page URL: How to configure nice URL ?