Page-explorer: adding page navigation easily to your website

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A page-explorer is a navigational component that creates a navigation bar in the form of:

  • a list
  • or a collapsible tree (ie clickable levels of folder hierarchy)

This component is mostly used in a side slot.


Default List

A default page-explorer list pane can be asked with this minimal markup (the width options is cosmetic and can be deleted)

By default, the list will show the pages of the namespace from the requested page.

<page-explorer width="300px"></page-explorer>

and will look like this where the label for each page is the page name

Default Tree

A page-explorer tree does not need any template definition.

  • with a minimal markup (The ns option is cosmetic and can be deleted, it permits to show two levels)
<page-explorer tree ns=":docs:layout"></page-explorer>
  • a page-explorer tree will look like this:

Custom List

<page-explorer color="blue" height="250px" width="400" scroll="toggle">
    <parent>[[$path|<icon name="arrow-left-box"/> ... ${h1 | cut("-","2-") | trim()} ]]</parent>
    <page>[[$path|<icon name="file"/> ${h1 | cut("-","2-") | trim()} ]]</page>

where the page template is composed of:

Custom Collapsible Tree


<page-explorer tree ns=":docs:layout">
    <index>[[$path|<icon name="home" color="#0000004d" width="20"/> Overview]]</index>
    <ns>${h1 | cut("-","2-") | trim()}</ns>
    <page>[[$path|<icon name="file" color="#0000004d" width="20"/>  ${h1 | cut("-","2-") | trim()}]]</page>

where the page template is composed of:

It produces:

Syntax and Templates


<page-explorer type ns="namespacePath">


Attribute Default Possible Values Description
type list list or tree It defines the layout
ns the rendered page for a list
the physical page for a tree
It defines the namespace that should be rendered

page-explorer, index, page, parent and namespace are all superset HTML component.


The templates define the output of each node in the list or tree layout:

  • page defines a for each page in the namespace
  • index defines a fragment for the index page of the namespace
  • namespace defines a fragment for each child namespace of the actual namespace
  • parent defines a fragment for the index page of the parent namespace of the actual namespace (used only in the list layout)

The below image shows you the mapping between the tag and their location in a list layout.

Page Explorer List Name To Ui Region

The below image shows you the mapping between the tag and their location in a tree layout.

Page Explorer Tree Name To Ui Region

If a sub-element (index, parent, namespace) is defined without any template (ie empty content), they are not shown.

Default template

  • if the page tag is is not defined, the below default page template is used
  • if the namespace tag is not defined, a default namespace template is used
<!-- For a list -->
[[$path|<icon name="mdi:folder"/> $name]]
<!-- For a tree -->
  • if the parent tag is not defined, a default parent template is used
[[$path|<icon name="icons8:level-up"/> $name]]
  • if the home tag is is not defined, the page template is used


Performance consideration with the tree pane

The page-explorer tree is recreated when:

If your tree has a lot of pages, it may seems slow:

  • while editing
  • or for the first viewer

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