Render web code in a your page (javascript, html, ...)

Undraw My Documents

ComboStrap UI - WebCode


webcode is a component that permits to render the output of code such as HTML, Javascript or CSS.

By enclosing code blocks by a webcode block, the plugin will add the result at the end (after the last webcode tag).



This is the HTML
<code html>
<span style="font-size:30pt">&#x1F600;</span>

  • Result

This is the HTML

<span style="font-size:30pt">&#x1F600;</span>



webcode supports javascript and captures the console call (log 1) and table 2)) to print them on the web page in a console area (Gray box).


  * in a javascript code block
<code javascript>
console.log("Javascript Code block");
  * and also in html code block
<code html>
<script>console.log("Html code block");</script>
  * The output of the console is also printed on the page.

The result is:

  • in a javascript code block
console.log("Javascript Code block");
  • and also in html code block
<script>console.log("Html code block");</script>
  • The output of the console is also printed on the page.


console.table 3) is supported with an array of objects or primitives. There is no second argument.


    <code javascript>
        let tabularData = [
            {name: "foo", short: "f"},
            {name: "bar", short: "b"}
  • This markup will output:
        let tabularData = [
            {name: "foo", short: "f"},
            {name: "bar", short: "b"}

Across section

You can use webcode across section (ie with heading)


  • the following markup
===== Javascript =====
var colors = [ "blue", "green" ];
for (const [index, value] of colors.entries()) {
  console.log(index+", "+value+"\n");
===== Result =====
  • will output:


Webcode Syntax

<webcode type name="A Name" width=100% height=250px>

    <!-- wiki syntax with css or html block code. -->
    All syntax are permitted between blocks

    <!-- css code block -->
    <code css>

    <!-- html code block -->
    <code html>

    <!-- javascript or babel code block -->
    <code javascript> <!-- or <code babel> -->

    <!-- Wiki Markup -->
    <code dw>

    <!-- Code Block not displayed-->
    <code language [display="none"]>


Webcode attributes

The allowed webcode attributes are:

    • story (default): The rendering will output the content inside the webcode elements and add the result after the closing webcode code.
    • result: The rendering will suppress the content inside the webcode elements and will show only the result after the closing webcode code.
    • inject: The HTML and Javascript will be injected on the page
  • the following attributes of the iframe element
    • name. It will be added as a suffix
    • frameborder (default to 0)
    • width (default to 100%)
    • height (The height is automatically adjusted if not set)
    • scrolling

External resources

For external resources such as Css or Js file, this is recommended to put them in a hidden HTML code block.

Example with Bootstrap:

<code html display="none">
<!-- CSS  -->
<link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-0evHe/X+R7YkIZDRvuzKMRqM+OrBnVFBL6DOitfPri4tjfHxaWutUpFmBp4vmVor" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- JavaScript -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-pprn3073KE6tl6bjs2QrFaJGz5/SUsLqktiwsUTF55Jfv3qYSDhgCecCxMW52nD2" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

code attributes

The supported code block syntax is

<code lang filePath [display="none"]>


  • lang can be:
    • html
    • xml (will be seen as XHTML)
    • css
    • javascript or babel (but not both in a webcode)
    • dw (for dokuwiki)
  • display=“none” will not display the code block (in this case file name and other attributes should not be used)


To save this syntax, you need to be:

Language Support


When a code block use Babel as language, the plugin will add the babel.min.js version 6 to the external resources.

You cannot have a Babel and a Javascript Block in the same webcode block.


Parsing problem?

The characters ''<, >, ", ', \, and &'' should be escaped in string literals.


  • In the below literal, the character / should be escaped
let fragment = '</script>';
  • The right way is to write it:
let fragment = '<\/script>';

Why? Because the code is executed on the HTML page, they will interfere with the HTML parser.

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Related HowTo's
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