The language attribute: How to set the language for a text

Undraw My Documents


The lang attributes is a styling attribute that sets the language of a text.

If you want to set the language for:


English and Arabic on the same page.

<text lang="en">This text is in English and goes from ''Left To Write''</text>
<text lang="ar">بينما هذا النص عربي وينتقل من اليمين إلى اليسار</text>

This text is in English and goes from Left To Write

بينما هذا النص عربي وينتقل من اليمين إلى اليسار


<component lang="languagevalue" />

where the language value is the two letters language. You can find it as the subtag in the official iana list

You can set it in a block as well as a inline component.

This attribute will also set the direction of the text to:

  • Right to Left
  • Or Left to Right

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