How to set the language (RTL/LTR) ?

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How to set the Language (Lang) ?


In ComboStrap, you can define a language:


The language is identified by a language identifier value known as the lang metadata.

It is a 2 letters code that follows the ISO 639-2 specification .



The language identifier is used:

  • in the locale to localize the page for external social third party
  • by the rendering engine to set the language and layout direction.


Each language has an intrinsic value that is known as the direction.

Direction Value Direction Name Description Supported
LTR left to right You read the text from left to right (Example: English) Yes
RTL right to left You read the text from right to left (Example: Arabic) Yes with the default bootstrap theme
TTB top-to-bottom You read the text from top to bottom (Example: Chinese) No


We have created a page in arabic that has a language direction from right-to-left (rtl) See the demo page: صفحة مكتوبة باللغة العربية

As bootswatch does not support yet RTL languages, you need to set your Bootstrap version at minimal to 5 with the bootstrap theme.

Example with the version 5.01 - bootstrap:


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