ComboStrap Styling - Boldness (Font Weight)
boldness is a typographic effect that sets the font weight. It defines the width of a character outlines relative to its height.
Double Star
With the double star, you can set quickly the font weight (boldness) to the value bold
- Input
This text is a **bold text**.
- Output:
This text is a bold text.
You cannot use this syntax with only space before it on a line because it will be seen as a list element.
Name or numerical Value
You can also set a precise value with the typographic attribute boldness that accepts a name or a numerical value.
The following names are supported and any numerical value.
Name | Numerical values |
Thin | 100 |
Extra-light | 200 |
Light | 300 |
Normal | 400 |
Medium | 500 |
Semi-bold | 600 |
Bold | 700 |
Extra-bold | 800 |
Black | 900 |
Extra-black | 950 |
Example with the itext component
- Input
This text is a <itext boldness="black">black text</itext>
- Output:
This text is a black text
Superlatif (More or less than)
You can also set a superlatif that is set according to the boldness of the parent.
We accepts the following values:
- bolder: bolder than the parent
- lighter: lighter than the parent
Example with the text component
- Input
<text boldness="light">
This text is a <itext boldness="bolder">bolder text</itext>
- Output:
This text is a bolder text