What is a missing page (404) and how ComboStap solve them

Undraw Through The Park

ComboStrap URL - Missing Page (404)


A page may become unavailable if it has been:

  • moved
  • deleted
  • or renamed

In this case, the webserver should return a 404 web page along with a hard HTTP 404 response (meaning that the Page Was Not Found)

It hurts:

Missing pages effect

User experience

Showing a 404 page, next to the fact that this is not really friendly, generally means that your users end their navigation with the following consequences:

  • the bounce rate increases
  • the number of page views decreases.
  • and if you are showing ads, your revenue will decrease because you can't show ads on a 404 page as it's a violation of ad policies. (Example with Google Ads)

Domain Authority

domain authority is a SEO metrics based on external backlinks. (A external backlink is a hyperlink from a website to your website).

When your page does not exist and returns a 404 response, this backlinks are not validated and your are losing authority.


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