Layout Containment

Undraw Website Builder Re Ii6e

ComboStrap UI - Container Aware Component


The containment configuration choose if the container-aware components will:

  • position their content at the center
  • limit their horizontal width (adjusted by screen sizes)
  • and add a marge on the horizontal axis (padding)


The following components are container aware component:

and will apply the configuration.


The page layout holy and median have their main content by default contained whereas a landing page layout does not.

Configuration Value

This defaultLayoutContainer configuration sets the container value for each layout component.

The value may be fluid or any breakpoint value.

Value Definition
fluid don't center at all
sm center (default)
md fluid then center from the medium breakpoint
lg fluid then center from the large breakpoint
xl fluid then center from the extra-large breakpoint
xxl fluid then center from the extra-extra-large breakpoint

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