ComboStrap UI - Note

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ComboStrap UI - Note


note is a ComboStrap UI component that shows a text that is parenthetic or ancillary to the main text.


<note type>
<title>Title</title> or === Title ===


A note is a superset HTML syntax

For a note inside a paragraph, see the inote component



<title 4> Informative note </title>
You can also style your [[:docs:component|ComboStrap UI components]] with the [[:docs:styling:style|style attribute]].
Informative note

You can also style your ComboStrap UI components with the style attribute.


<note type="tip" >
===== Tip note =====
You can also style your [[:docs:component|ComboStrap UI components]] with [[:docs:styling:spacing|spacing]].
Tip note

You can also style your ComboStrap UI components with spacing.


<note important >
=== Important note ===
Too little sport is not good for your health
Important note

Too little sport is not good for your health


<note type="warning">
=== Warning note ===
Too much sport is not good for your health
Warning note

Too much sport is not good for your health

Custom Styling


With the style attribute:

<note type="warning" style="width:60%">
<title 4 > Warning note </title>
Too little sport is not good for your health
Warning note

Too little sport is not good for your health

Horizontal Centering

With the align attribute

<note type="info" align="center" width="200px">
===== Info note =====
Too much sport is not good for your health
Info note

Too much sport is not good for your health


If you want to have a inline note, use a inote instead.

When you go to this castel takes the round about <inote tip>Don't forget to enjoy the view !</inote>

When you go to this castel takes the round about Don't forget to enjoy the view !

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