List of changes for the release 1.4 (2020-07-20)
- Corrected the bug: No message visible when the frontmatter json object is not valid
- The align attribute was better documented and supports now also the text alignement.
- Added the Shadow - This attribute will create a shadow, giving more emphasis|elevation styling attribute]] to give more emphasis.
- The button was improved: outline and size are now supported.
- The tooltip component was added
- The jumbotron component was added
- The typo component was added to apply styling on a paragraph level
- The hr component was added to draw an horizontal rule
- The title component was added to give more control on the title of component
- The monospaced dokuwiki syntax has become an highlight within the renderer
- Added the table page to showcase the fact that they are by default responsive.
- Added the skin attributes to define emphasis.