iterator permits to loop over a content fragment in order to create a list of pages.
You may use it to generate any layout.
In particular, you may use it to generate the following layouts:
Layout | Description |
grid | a grid of cells that adapt to the screen size |
carrousel | horizontal list navigation with control |
simple list | a vertical list with bullet points |
table | a table |
masonry | bricks that fill the wall |
The below iterator example:
select order by date_modified desc limit 4
The iterator markup:
<data>select where is_low_quality = 0 order by date_modified desc limit 6</data>
<heading d3 align="center"> The last 6 Changes </heading>
<card clickable>
<page-image ratio="16:9"/>
=== $title ===
<itext color="muted">${date_modified | format('MMM dd HH:mm')}</itext>
${description | head(100,'...')} [[$path| ]]
The Result:
<data>select where variable = 'xxx'</data>
... header markup...
<fragment>Fragment markup with $variable1 ... $variable2</fragment>
... footer markup...