Table of Contents


icon is a component that permits to add easily an svg icon such as this one: :


Material Design Icon

Example with the arrow-down-circle

<icon name="arrow-down-circle" />

<icon name="arrow-down-circle" width="60"/>


Example with the arrow-down-circle-fill and a blue color

<icon name="bootstrap:arrow-down-circle-fill" color="blue" width="48px" />


Example with a box icon and a color

<icon name="fe:box" color="blue" width="48px" height="48px" />

Zoom out - Illustrative Icon

In case of an illustrative icon used for instance in a card or as page image, the icon may be zoomed out (by default, the value is 4)

Example of icon zoomed out by a factor of 3.

<icon name="fe:box" color="skyblue" width="200" height="200" zoom=-3 border-color="skyblue" />

Multiple Colors

We support multiple colors icons.

<icon name="flat-color-icons:smartphone-tablet" width="100" />

  • If a color is set, we change the first color found.
<icon name="flat-color-icons:smartphone-tablet" color="skyblue" width="200" zoom=-3 border-color="skyblue" />


An icon can be seen as a character and is therefore a component that can be used in a line.

The syntax is:

<icon name="[library:]icon-name" color="color" width="width" zoom="factor"/>


How to show an icon ?

To show a icon:

  • Search an icon
  • Verify that we support the library (if the library is not supported, see the next paragraph)
  • Copy the Iconify full qualified name
  • And use it with the icon syntax.

How to show any icons ?

If the library is not yet supported, you can also easily embedded it.

You just need to follow this steps:

  • go to your icon repository
  • download your icon
  • upload it to your media library (preferably under the directory combostrap:icons)
  • use it:
    • with the icon syntax (if saved under the directory combostrap:icons)
    • with the svg syntax with a value of icon for the type attribute

Example with Google icon and the favorite icon saved in the media library in the namespace combostrap:icons:google


  • with the icon syntax (if you saved it under the directory combostrap:icons)
<icon name="google:favorite_black_24dp" width="36" color="purple"/>



In the color attribute, you can set a color value.

ComboStrap detects automatically if the icon is a solid or outline one and sets the color accordingly.

Example with the bootstrap alarm clock

The outline icon
<icon name="bs:alarm" color="pink" />

Versus the solid (iefill) icon
<icon name="bs:alarm-fill" color="pink" />

Sizing: Width and Height

The width and height attributes have the same value and takes the default value of 24px but you can overwrite it.

<icon name="logo.svg" width="96px" />

Styling and Native Attribute

The icon component supports also :


<icon name="bs:alarm-fill" color="pink" onHover="grow" width="36"/>


The icon component supports the below libraries natively.

The acronym should be used as library name. It follows the acronyn found in the iconify search engine

Name Acronym WebSite
ant-design ant-design Ant design
akar-icons akar-icons akaricons (MIT)
arcticons arcticons (CC BY-SA 4.0)
bootstrap bi Bootstrap icon
boxicons bx Boxicons (CC BY 4.0)
carbon carbon Carbon (IBM)
clarity clarity Clarity icon (essential)
codicon codicon Microsoft Code Icon
core ui brand cib Core Ui Icons
dashicons dashicons Wordpress dashicons
elegant theme et Elegant Themes
eva eva Eva Icons
fad fad Fad (Font Audio Icons)
flat color button flat-color-icons Icons8 (MIT)
font awesome brands fa-brands Font Awesome (CC BY 4.0)
font awesome regular fa-regular Font Awesome (CC BY 4.0)
font awesome solid fa-solid Font Awesome (CC BY 4.0)
feather fe Feather
healthicons healthicons Healthicons (MIT)
icomoon icomoon-free Icomoon
iconoir iconoir Iconoir
iconscout uit Iconscout (Line only)
line awesome la Line Awesome (MIT)
logos logos SvgPorn
material-design mdi Material design icon
octicon octicon Github Octicons
phosphor icon ph Phosphor Icons
simple line simple-line-icons Simple Line Icons
si glyph si-glyph Si Glyph by Smarticons (CC BY SA 4.0)
twemoji twemoji Twitter Emoji
vaadin vaadin Vaadin Icons
vscode vscode-icons VsCode Icons (MIT)

The default library is material-design but you can change this configuration.

Other library

You can also download an icon from your preferred icon library and use it directly.

How to use an other icon library such as Google Icon.


Icons namespace

When the icon does not exist, the component downloads the icons in the namespace set in the icons_namespace configuration.

The default value is :combostrap:icons

On the server, the namespace is a location from the media directory: DOKUWIKI_HOME/data/media/ Icon Default Location Combostrap

Default Library

You can change the default library with the defaultIconLibrary configuration.

At installation time, the default library is material design.

Icon Vs Svg

An icon is just a svg that is seen as a character.

ComboStrap sets the following properties on a icon by default:

  • width and height have the same value (default to 24px)
  • color: currentColor by default
  • not responsive (no preserveAspectRatio and no max length CSS properties)
  • no alignment (ie no left, center or right)

As an icon is just a svg, you can also use the svg syntax directly against a custom svg to embed it as an icon.





This component uses the DOM module. This module is enabled by default on all hosting platform. It should be then no problem for most of your installation.

What to do if my icon does not render correctly ?

If your icon comes from a supported library and does not render correctly, contact us or create an issue

Otherwise, check this answer

Why downloading the image and not using a library

We are not using a library and have decided to download the svg file for the following reasons: