ComboStrap - Font

Undraw My Documents

ComboStrap Styling - Font


The fonts used are the default system font of the target system. They are designed specifically with today’ screen in mind.

They are known as native font stack or system font stack 1)

The following attributes permits to change the font rendering:


The font used is chosen in the following order:

Name System / Description
system-ui Cross-platform generic font family (default user interface font)
San Francisco Safari font for macOS and iOS
BlinkMacSystemFont Chrome < 56 for macOS
Segoe UI Windows
Roboto Android
Helvetica Neue, Arial Basic web fallback
Noto Sans, Liberation Sans 2) Linux
sans-serif Sans serif fallback
Apple Color Emoji,
Segoe UI Emoji,
Segoe UI Symbol,
Noto Color Emoji
Emoji fonts

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