How to install DokuWiki and Combostrap on a Server?

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How to install DokuWiki and Combostrap on a Server?


This series of article is intended to help you get a DokuWiki instance installed on a server with a Linux/Windows operating system.


This part is crucial for performance reason.

It's not 1, 2, 3 as you need to have a broad knowledge of:

  • Linux/Windows
  • ssh,
  • php,
  • php extension, opcache
  • and many components

If you struggle, you can:

For more information, you can also visit the DokuWiki Install page


Download DokuWiki

Download the last Dokuwiki,

Server requirement

Verify that your php server has the minimum requirements:

Upload and unzip the DokuWiki Archive

You should:

  • Upload the zip file to your web server
  • Unzip it to your web directory

Run the installer

You can access the installer page at

  • Answer the install form. Choose:
    • at minimal the ACL option, otherwise you get no access to the admin page
    • the read permission, otherwise the logo and favicon will not render
  • Done

Next Step

Combo Installation

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