How to install DokuWiki and Combostrap on a Server?
This series of article is intended to help you get a DokuWiki instance installed on a server with a Linux/Windows operating system.
This part is crucial for performance reason.
It's not 1, 2, 3 as you need to have a broad knowledge of:
- Linux/Windows
- ssh,
- php,
- php extension, opcache
- and many components
If you struggle, you can:
- try our Docker Image that install a whole environment in one line of code
For more information, you can also visit the DokuWiki Install page
Download DokuWiki
Server requirement
Verify that your php server has the minimum requirements:
- php version supported: 7.4 to 8.2
- and php extensions
Upload and unzip the DokuWiki Archive
You should:
- Upload the zip file to your web server
- Unzip it to your web directory
Run the installer
You can access the installer page at
- Answer the install form. Choose:
- at minimal the ACL option, otherwise you get no access to the admin page
- Done