Internal Search Engine

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Internal Search Engine


The internal search engine permits to search a page via search terms.


ComboStrap supports the following search engine features.

You can add a search box (generally in the menubar).


Internally, if a URL is not found, the user is redirected to the search engine in the last resort.

Layout customization

You can customize the layout via the app-search app template.

Third party application Integration

The search engine is also advertised to third party application such as:


The internal search engine is advertised to the browser

  • When a user starts to type the name of a website in the address bar (alt+D)
  • It will see a Search WebSite box
  • When typing the tab key, it will then be able to enter a search term
  • Typing the enter key will then bring the user to the search page of this website.


Internal Search Engine Browser

The user doesn't need to go to a page and uses the search box

Search Engine

The internal search engine is advertised to the Google Search Engine via the website page type.

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