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ComboStrap Routing - Best End Page Name Algorithm


The Best End Page Name is a redirection scoring algorithm that finds the best page to redirect to when a non-existing page is requested.

This algorithm performs the scoring by looping through the different part of a page name from the end to the beginning. For instance, if the page name was name1:name2:name3, the algorithm would check first name3, then name2, then name1

This concept comes from the fact that a content has a natural hierarchical structure. If you have created a page called bird:sparrow:


When a user request a missing page (ie species:bird:sparrow), the algorithm would:



This configuration permits to:

when the number of parts in the found path that matches the missing page is higher or equal.

By default, this value is 2 but you can disable it by setting a value of 0.

Action Order

You can set the importance of this rule in the redirection action configuration.

Best End Page Name Configuration