How to install Dokuwiki ?

Undraw Stepping Up


Because ComboStrap is built on top of the Dokuwiki Engine, the first step is to install it.

This page steps you through this phase of how to install Dokuwiki.


DokuWiki Version Check

Combostrap supports only the latest two versions of Dokuwiki (ie N/N-1 support).

If you have already a Dokuwiki Installation, you should have the last version. We support the previous version only a couple of month.

You can check the version of your installation:

  • by logging in as an admin (superuser)
  • and use the do=check parameter to your wiki's URL. Eg:

You should get the latest. For instance, in 2023, on December 10th it was:

DokuWiki version: Release 2024-02-06 "Kaos"

If you don't have the last version, we recommend to install the Upgrade plugin and to upgrade your installation.

Dokuwiki Installation

If you don't have a Dokuwiki Instance, you can install it as follow:

To know more:

Next Step

Combo Installation

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