Render a railroad diagram from a BNF grammar


The railroad component will render a railroad diagram from a BNF grammar.


Below is the BNF of the select sql statement of the H2 database.

<code bnf display="none">
'SELECT' [ 'TOP' term ] [ 'DISTINCT' | 'ALL' ] selectExpression {',' selectExpression} \
'FROM' tableExpression {',' tableExpression} [ 'WHERE' expression ] \
[ 'GROUP BY' expression {',' expression} ] [ 'HAVING' expression ] \
[ ( 'UNION' [ 'ALL' ] | 'MINUS' | 'EXCEPT' | 'INTERSECT' ) select ] [ 'ORDER BY' order {',' order} ] \
[ 'LIMIT' expression [ 'OFFSET' expression ] [ 'SAMPLE_SIZE' rowCountInt ] ] \

This BNF grammar will render as the below railroad diagram.

'SELECT' [ 'TOP' term ] [ 'DISTINCT' | 'ALL' ] selectExpression {',' selectExpression} \
'FROM' tableExpression {',' tableExpression} [ 'WHERE' expression ] \
[ 'GROUP BY' expression {',' expression} ] [ 'HAVING' expression ] \
[ ( 'UNION' [ 'ALL' ] | 'MINUS' | 'EXCEPT' | 'INTERSECT' ) select ] [ 'ORDER BY' order {',' order} ] \
[ 'LIMIT' expression [ 'OFFSET' expression ] [ 'SAMPLE_SIZE' rowCountInt ] ] \


To render a railroad diagram, you just need to enclose a code block with a bnf grammar with the railroad component

    <code bnf display="none">
    ... bnf code

display=“none” is added to show you how to not print a code block but this is optional.


The supported BNF is described below:

- definition
- concatenation
- termination
- alternation
- option
    [ ... ]
- repetition
    { ... } => 0..N
    expression* => 0..N
    expression+ => 1..N
    <digits> * expression => <digits>...<digits>
    <digits> * [expression] => <0>...<digits>
    <digits> * expression? => <0>...<digits>
- grouping
    ( ... )
- literal
    " ... " or ' ... '
- special characters
    (? ... ?)
- comments
    (* ... *)

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