Follow Button

Undraw Social Strategy Re Mk87

Follow Button


The Follow button is a button displayed on your websites to help users easily follow you.


With a follow request

With a social handle name, social channel supports a follow request. You need to give your handle, ie your name identifier.

  • For instance, for twitter:
<follow twitter handle="combostrapweb"/>
  • The output would be:

If the user clicks on the link, it will be presented with a follow request choice.

Social Channel Follow Request

With an URL

You can also give your URL directly.

  • For example, for twitter:
<follow twitter url=""/>
  • The output would be:

The brand button does not have any follow url. You need to set at minimum the `handle` or `url` attribute


Below, you can see a map of the share component with the parameters:

  • widget: button (default) or link
  • icon: Solid, Solid Circle, Outline, Outline Circle

for all supported channel.

Widget → Button Link
Icon → Solid Solid
Outline Outline
Solid Solid
Outline Outline




  • the mandatory attributes are:
    • channel is one of the supported channel
    • and a identifier:
      • handle: the entity name on the social channel
      • or an url: the url where the user should go
  • the styling attributes are:
    • widget permits to choose the type of output:
      • button (default): a button
      • link: a link
  • icon is the type of icon or no icon with none
  • width is the width of the icon.

We support also share buttons

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