Table of Contents

Third Party Plugins


This page is an optional and informative step that highlights important information that you should now about third party plugins.

ComboStrap supports third party plugins and you can see them all on their dedicated page.

You can install any plugin the same way as Combo with the extension manager.


We recommend to install the two below plugins.


We support the move plugin

You can quickly move a page with the rename action in the railbar.

Move Plugin Rename

Search Index Manager

We support also the Search Index Manager

It will:

You should use it:


Plugin and Combostrap update

After an installation, if you want to update a plugin or Combostrap and if you have a memory error, you need to update them via the manual install procedure.

Plugin support

We support all plugins that are working with a standard dokuwiki installation.

If you have any problems with a third party plugin:

Next Step

That's it, you should have no a full functional server installed with DokuWiki.

If you are getting started with Combo, you can follow or go back to the getting started guide.

Getting started guide