
This section regroups howto documentations.

Undraw Animating

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Undraw Animating
How a user can install your app on their home screen?


Combostrap applications are fully progressive web app and can therefore be installed on the home screen...

Undraw Animating
How to add HTML , Css, and Javascript directly to the content of your pages?


This article shows you how you can add HTML, CSS, or Javascript to the content of your markup page.

How can I choose the Bootstrap StyleSheet?


ComboStrap comes with: the standard Bootstrap stylesheet and the bootswatch...

Reduce Unused Javascript Dokuwiki Lightouse
How to speed up your page performance for search engines?


public front end optimization is a ComboStrap module that reduces the page overhead when a public / anonymous...

Undraw Animating
How to create a PDF file?


This page shows you how to create a PDF file from your content. HTML To create a PDF file, you create...

Combostrap Default Theme File Explorer
How to create your own theme?


This page shows you how to create your own theme. You can then apply advanced design and logic to your...

Undraw Animating
How to align a text ?


This howto will show you how you can align your text. With ComboStrap, text alignment is only defined...

Undraw Animating
ComboStrap Styling - How to create and add your own Bootstrap stylesheet


This article shows you how to create and install your own custom Bootstrap Stylesheet to fit your styling...

Undraw Animating
How to split the horizontal space in two with the grid component ?


This howto shows you how to split the horizontal space in two with the grid component. The grid component...

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