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ComboStrap UI - Itext


itext is a typographic component that permits to applies typographic effects to one or more characters / words.


<itext attributes></itext>


Note that the color attribute can take all color values and the specific text colors:



With boldness:

This text is a <itext boldness="black">black text</itext>

This text is a black text

First letter

With the font-size attribute

<itext font-size="h1" bold>T</itext>he first letter has the same size than the first heading

The first letter has the same size than the first heading


This example shows the color values specific to the itext and text component

<itext color="body">Text with the body color.</itext>
<itext color="muted">Text with the muted color.</itext>
<itext color="black-50">Text with the black-50 color.</itext>
<itext color="white-50" background-color="black">Text with the white-50 color.</itext>

Text with the body color. Text with the muted color. Text with the black-50 color. Text with the white-50 color.