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ComboStrap - Footnotes (Reference)


A footnote 1) is a syntax component that permits to add reference that will be added at the foot of the page.

Footnotes are used most commonly to provide:

Without cluttering the body of the document, footnotes allow you to add:

When you create a footnote, a superscript number with a link appears where you added the footnote reference. Readers can click the link to jump to the content of the footnote at the bottom of the page.


(( your footnote content goes here and you can add a [[|reference link]] ))


A footnote ((A [[this>footnote|footnote]] about a footnote)) permits to add a reference in the footer of the page.

=== Reference ===

The formatting in the demo is broken because it runs in a iframe but it should not be in your installation. The proof is that we have added a footnote in this page and the formatting is correct.
