---json { "page_id": "y6rywpg8sm12kg9b6gzvq" } --- ====== How to resolve a Page Collision on the page id? ====== ===== Problem ===== When replicating pages between Combostrap applications, you may encounter this error. The page (xxxx) and the page (xxxx) have the same page id value (xxx) ===== Resolution ===== To resolve this error, you need to synchronize the database with the file system. On the server where Combostrap is installed, you should run this command: * for a single installation cd $DOKUWIKI_HOME php ./bin/plugin.php combo sync * for a farm cd $DOKUWIKI_HOME animal=example.com php ./bin/plugin.php combo sync If this solution does not work, we are really sorry. You can [[:support|open a ticket]] if you want us to help you.