---json { "page_id": "2kzq0ax6kxb9acsr87qq7" } --- ====== Deprecated - Hierarchical Breadcrumb in renderer ====== === Deprecation Notice === With the advent of the [[:docs:theme:element:main-header|main slot header]], the user can choose to add or not the breadcrumb in it. Therefore, the breadcrumb via the [[release:deprecated:renderer|renderer]] is deprecated. See the new [[docs:navigation:hierarchical_breadcrumb|Hierarchical Breadcrumb]]. ===== About ===== You can add a breadcrumb below the first heading in all your pages if the [[release:deprecated:renderer|renderer is the combo renderer]] ===== Configuration ===== ==== Enable/Disable ==== The ''hierarchical breadcrumb'' is following the dokuwiki configuration and renders only when the [[doku>conf:youarehere|youarehere]] [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]] is set to ''on'' {{docs:block:youarehere.png?600|}}