"page_id": "mgflz2s4yi0505w207j38"
====== ComboStrap UI - Footer ======
===== About =====
''footer'' was too specific.
It was replaced by:
* the more generic [[:docs:layout:component:bar|bar component]]
* and the html markup ''footer'' in the [[:docs:theme:template:template|templates]]
===== Old definition =====
''footer'' is an [[docs:component|UI ComboStrap component]] that implements the [[https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-author-20110809/the-footer-element.html|HTML footer element]].
It's generally used in the [[docs:theme:element:page-footer|footerbar]] of the [[release:deprecated:strap|Strap template]].
A footer for a whole page is known as a fat footer.
===== Syntax =====
''footer'' is a [[docs:marki|superser HTML element]] and takes therefore into account all [[docs:styling:styling|styling attributes such as class and style]].