---json { "page_id": "c1qt37tvatl1nlhubzwf9" } --- ====== ComboStrap - Release 1.5 ====== ===== About ===== [[..:release|release]] 1.5 from 2020-07-25 ===== Change list ===== * Add the ''og:description'' meta in the [[docs:page:description|meta description]] to support Facebook. * Bug: The section highlighting feature was: * not working * modifying the document making the edit button jump. * Bug: A [[docs:page:canonical|canonical value]] cannot be uppercase * Bug: A [[docs:content:cite|cite element]] outside a component was giving an error because it had no parents * A ''border-color'' will add (if not present) default styling attributes to see a border. See [[docs:styling:color#border_color|Border-color]] * The [[docs:ads:ads|Ads Module]] was added