---json { "dynamic_quality_monitoring": "false", "low_quality_page": "false", "page_id": "ku4ek1coeyh0qkyknhbit" } --- ====== How to align a text based on screen size ? ====== ===== About ===== This [[howto:howto|howto]] shows you how to apply a [[:howto:text-align|text alignment]] that depends on the screen size. In the [[:howto:text-align|text align howto]], you have learned to apply one of the tree possible text alignment. In this howto, you will see how you can apply this alignment based on the [[:docs:styling:breakpoint|screen size]] (mobile, desktop, ...) All text alignment are done via the [[:docs:styling:align|align attribute]]. This attribute supports what we called [[:docs:styling:conditional|conditional value]]. By adding a [[:docs:styling:breakpoint|breakpoint value]] as suffix, you will enable this value from this screen size. ===== Example ===== This example was made with the [[docs:block:text|text component]] and shows a conditional value based on [[docs:styling:breakpoint|screen size]]. To see them in action, you should resize your browser windows. ==== End aligned text from small screen and wider ==== * Input End aligned text from SM (small) screen and wider, start for mobile phone * output ==== Center aligned from medium screen and wider ==== * Input Default (Start) align on SM (small screen), then Center aligned from MD (medium) screen and wider. * output ==== Start on small screen, center from medium, then End on large screen and wider ==== * Input Default (Start) align on SM (small screen), then Center aligned from MD (medium), then End aligned text on LG (large) screen and wider. * output ==== Start on small screen, center aligned text on extra-large screen and wider ==== * Input Default (Start) align on SM (small screen), then Center aligned text on XL (extra-large) screen and wider. * Output: