---json { "page_id": "i0l9m75b1t1ivqz9frgbe", "template": "holy" } --- ====== How to install DokuWiki and Combostrap on a Server? ====== ===== About ===== This series of article is intended to help you get a DokuWiki instance installed on a server with a Linux/Windows operating system. ===== Support ===== This part is crucial for performance reason. It's not 1, 2, 3 as you need to have a broad knowledge of: * Linux/Windows * ssh, * php, * php extension, opcache * and many components If you struggle, you can: * try our [[:docs:admin:docker|Docker Image]] that install a whole environment in one line of code * [[:support|contact us]] For more information, you can also visit the [[doku>install|DokuWiki Install page]] ===== Steps ===== ==== Download DokuWiki ==== [[https://download.dokuwiki.org/|Download the last Dokuwiki]], ==== Server requirement ==== Verify that your php server has the [[support:requirement|minimum requirements]]: * [[support:requirement#php|php version supported]]: ''7.4'' to ''8.2'' * and [[support:requirement#moduleextension|php extensions]] ==== Upload and unzip the DokuWiki Archive ==== You should: * Upload the zip file to your web server * Unzip it to your web directory ==== Run the installer ==== You can access the [[doku>installer|installer page]] at ''https://yourdomain.com/install.php'' * Answer the install form. Choose: * at minimal the [[doku>config:useacl|ACL option]], otherwise you get no access to the admin page * the `read` permission, otherwise the [[:docs:app:logo|logo]] and [[:howto:getting_started:6_favicon|favicon]] will not render * Done ===== Next Step ===== [[howto:server_installation:2_combo|Combo Installation]]