---json { "aliases": [ { "path": ":wiki:markup_docs:getting_started:4_plugin" } ], "canonical": ":installation:plugins", "description": "This page is an optional and informative step that highlights important information that you should now about third party plugins.", "name": "Third Party Plugins", "page_id": "uf5ymxql03zbox8jzrizu" } --- ====== Third Party Plugins ====== ===== About ===== This page is an optional and informative step that highlights important information that you should now about third party plugins. [[:combostrap|ComboStrap]] supports [[:support:plugin|third party plugins]] and you can see them all on their [[:support:plugin|dedicated page]]. You can install any plugin the same way as [[howto:server_installation:2_combo|Combo]] with the [[doku>plugin:extension|extension manager]]. ===== Highlights ===== We recommend to install the two below plugins. ==== Move ==== We support the [[docs:page:move|move plugin]] You can quickly move a page with the ''rename'' action in the [[docs:theme:element:railbar|railbar]]. {{howto:getting_started:move_plugin_rename.png|}} ==== Search Index Manager ==== We support also the [[:docs:utility:search_index_manager|Search Index Manager]] It will: * recreate the index of all pages. * update the combostrap database. You should use it: * if you move pages on the server via the file system (for instance in case of a new installation) * after each [[release:update|new release]] ===== Support ===== ==== Plugin and Combostrap update ==== After an installation, if you want to update a plugin or Combostrap and if you have a memory error, you need to [[:release:update|update them via the manual install procedure]]. ==== Plugin support ==== We support all plugins that are working with a standard dokuwiki installation. If you have any problems with a third party plugin: * check the [[support:plugin|plugin page]] to see if there is already a solution. * if not, [[:support|contact us or open a ticket]] ===== Next Step ===== That's it, you should have no a full functional server installed with DokuWiki. If you are getting started with Combo, you can follow or go back to the [[:howto:getting_started:1_dokuwiki|getting started guide]]. [[:howto:getting_started:1_dokuwiki|Getting started guide]]