---json { "page_id": "ex5ox6xgy80zud80l92kc" } --- ====== How to create a PDF file? ====== ===== About ===== This page shows you how to create a PDF file from your content. ===== Steps ===== ==== Create an HTML file ==== To create a PDF file, you create first an HTML file to you print to PDF. * from one page, you need to add to your URL ''?template=minimal'' for a [[:docs:theme:template:minimal|minimal template]] or ''?do=export_xhtml'' for the standard dokuwiki export * from one namespace, you need to add to your URL ''?do=combo_pagebundler'' to generate a [[docs:utility:bundler|bundle page (single page)]] ==== Edit and Print ==== Then you can: * use directly the ''Print'' function of your browser to print the results as-is in ''pdf'' * or copy the HTML into your preferred editor (Words, Open Office) to modify the content before printing. The editor will import the HTML content.