---json { "dynamic_quality_monitoring": "false", "low_quality_page": "false", "page_id": "snv04f0ggwd337ll1ti91" } --- ====== How to center a link or a button ? ====== ===== About ===== This [[howto:howto|how to]] will show you how to center a [[docs:content:link|link]]. A link can be styled via its properties and because a link is a also a type of [[:docs:content:button|button]], this page shows you the two possibilities. ===== Aligned Link ===== A link is a phrase component but you may want to [[:docs:styling:emphasis|emphase]] it as a call to action by centering it. You can center a [[:docs:content:link|link]] with the [[:docs:styling:align|align]] attribute. Example: [[:docs:content:link?align=center|Go to the link page]] ===== Link as button ===== A link is also a [[:docs:content:button|button]] type Example: * Button as link [[:docs:content:link|Go to the link page]] * Or as a plain button [[:docs:content:link|Go to the link page]]