---json { "aliases": [ { "path": ":howto:getting_started:5_git" } ], "name": "Git Site", "page_id": "4335hckjomaayfepj2m1v", "template": "holy", "title": "How to store your site in Git?" } --- ====== How to store your site in Git? ====== ===== About ===== This page will show you how to store your site as [[:docs:admin:website|combo site]] in a remote Git repository. ===== Steps ===== ==== Create a remote Git Repository ==== We will be using [[https://github/com|GitHub]] as example, but you can use any Git Repository Provider such as [[https://gogs.io/|Gogs]], [[https://gitlab.com|GitLab]] or [[https://gitea.com/|Gitea]]. For GitHub, follow this [[https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/creating-a-new-repository|article]] to create your new repository. ==== Create a local Git Repository ==== In the directory that was used with the [[howto:getting_started:1_dokuwiki|docker command]], initialize a Git repository cd /tmp/site-combo-starter # Init (ie create ) a local repo git init * Rename the master branch to main git branch -M main ==== Add the Git remote ==== * Add the URL of your repository as origin git remote add origin https://github.com/ComboStrap/site-starter.git ==== Check the untracked files ==== git status On branch main No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .gitattributes .gitignore README.md conf/ data/ docs/ lib/ robots.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) ==== Add the combo site files ==== Add them all git add . ==== Create your first commit ==== * Create a commit git commit -m "First commit" ==== Push them to your remote repository ==== * Push git push -u origin main # enter your credentials # or use SSH Keys (https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh) Enumerating objects: 45, done. Counting objects: 100% (45/45), done. Delta compression using up to 16 threads Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done. Writing objects: 100% (45/45), 50.71 KiB | 10.14 MiB/s, done. Total 45 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done. To github.com:ComboStrap/site-starter.git * [new branch] main -> main branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'. ===== Next ===== You can now develop, change your wiki and push your change to your Git Repository. Then you can: * Check the [[docs:component|UI Components]] * Learn about [[docs:router:router|Routing and redirections]] * Have a look at the [[docs:seo:seo|SEO page]] For more tips and tops, you can also [[:newsletter|subscribe to the newsletter]].