---json { "aliases": [ { "path": ":docs:getting_started:1_dokuwiki" }, { "path": ":wiki:markup_docs:getting_started:1_dokuwiki" }, { "path": ":wiki:markup_getting_started:1_dokuwiki" } ], "name": "Dokuwiki Installation", "page_id": "52gxusbx7sb0v76bgvn9v", "template": "holy", "title": "How to install Dokuwiki ?" } --- ====== ComboStrap Getting Started - Dokuwiki Installation ====== ===== About ===== Because [[:combostrap|ComboStrap]] is built on top of the [[doku>|Dokuwiki Engine]], the first step is to install it. This page steps you through this phase of how to install Dokuwiki. ===== Steps ===== ==== DokuWiki Version Check ==== If you have already a Dokuwiki Installation, you should have the last version. We support the previous version only a couple of month. You can check the version of your installation: * by logging in as an admin (superuser) * and use the ''do=check'' parameter to your wiki's URL. Eg: http://yourdomain/yourwiki/doku.php?do=check You should get the latest. For instance, in 2023, on December 10th it was: DokuWiki version: Release 2024-02-06 "Kaos" If you don't have the last version, we recommend to install the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:upgrade|Upgrade plugin]] and to upgrade your installation. ==== Dokuwiki Installation ==== If you don't have a Dokuwiki Instance, you can install it as follow: * [[https://download.dokuwiki.org/|Download the last Dokuwiki]], * Verify that your php server has the [[support:requirement|minimum requirements]]: * [[support:requirement#php|php version supported]]: ''7.4'' to ''8.2'' * and [[support:requirement#moduleextension|php extensions]] * Upload the zip file to your web server * Unzip it to your web directory * Access the installer script at ''https://yourdomain.com/install.php'' * Answer the install form. Choose: * at minimal the [[doku>config:useacl|ACL option]], otherwise you get no access to the admin page * the `read` permission, otherwise the [[:docs:app:logo|logo]] and [[:howto:getting_started:6_favicon|favicon]] will not render * Done To know more: * about the installation, see [[doku>install]] * about the installer script, see [[doku>installer]] ===== Next Step ===== [[2_combo|Combo Installation]]