"page_id": "kgp9199l4bkp40wks5fh7"
====== Page Bundler ======
===== About =====
The ''page bundler'' is an utility that will create one single page from all descendant pages of an [[:docs:page:system:index|index page]].
===== Example =====
For instance, click on this [[:howto:getting_started:getting_started?do=combo_pagebundler|link]] to get the [[:howto:getting_started:getting_started|Getting started guide section]] into one page.
You can then create a [[howto:pdf|pdf file]].
===== How it works =====
You need to add the following query ''?do=combo_pagebundler'' to the URL of the [[:docs:page:system:index|index page]]. It will then bundle all descendants pages into one page.
===== Limitations =====
Because this is a heavy task, this task is limited to:
* for anonymous user:
* 5 pages (so no crawler will load your server)
* ''max execution time'' is the maximum time of the server (in php.ini, 30 second by default)
* for logged in user:
* no pages limitation
* ''max execution time'' is 5 minutes.