---json { "page_id": "thpeuc6oqnn62vfkqgtb9" } --- ====== Medium Template ====== ===== About ===== ''medium'' is a [[docs:theme:template:template|template]] that implements a layout that emphasizes readability by: * centering the main content * with a fixed width (making the length of a line shorter). It's the default template for all ''home'' [[:docs:page:system:item|item pages]] (ie pages without [[docs:page:system:namespace|namespace]]) {{ :docs:theme:template:median_layout.svg?0x250 |}} ===== Elements ===== This template does not support: * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|sidebar element]] This template does supports: * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-header|page header]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:main-header|main header]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:toc|table of content]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:main-footer|main footer]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-footer|fat footer]] ===== Other medium template ===== The following template supports also a ''medium'' version (ie where the content is centered) without any [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|sidebar]] * the [[:docs:theme:template:holy|holy-medium]] * the [[:docs:theme:template:index|index-medium]]