---json { "page_id": "znodbp3pgat9rbixgg39q" } --- ====== Landing Template ====== ===== About ===== ''landing'' is a [[docs:theme:template:template|template]] that permits to create [[:howto:landing-page|landing pages]]. ===== Layout and Elements ===== {{:docs:theme:template:landing_layout.svg?0x250|}} In a landing page layout: * The main content is not [[docs:theme:element:container|contained]] (You need to use [[:docs:layout:component:bar|bar components]] to create the purple area) * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-header|page header]], [[:docs:theme:element:page-footer|page footer]] are shown * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|sidebar]], [[:docs:theme:element:main-header|main header]], [[:docs:theme:element:main-footer|main footer]], and [[docs:theme:element:toc|toc]] are not shown * the [[docs:theme:element:railbar|railbar]] is in a off-canvas at the right side. ===== Usage ===== You generally will use it to create a layout a [[:howto:landing-page|landing pages]] in your [[docs:page:system:home|home page]]. ===== How to create a landing page? ===== To know how to create a landing page, we have created a dedicated page: [[howto:landing-page]]