---json { "page_id": "e9crjvkppm2nrz379fkb2" } --- ====== Index template ====== ===== About ===== An ''index'' [[docs:theme:template:template|template]] is the default template for the [[:docs:page:system:index|index pages]]. Because [[:docs:page:system:index|index pages]] are landing pages for a [[:docs:page:system:namespace|namespace]], this template creates a mini-landing page layout for a [[docs:page:system:namespace|namespace]] ===== Layout ===== This layout is composed of the following [[:docs:theme:slot:slot|slots]]: * [[:docs:theme:slot:header_slot|page header]] and [[docs:theme:element:page-footer|page footer]] * [[:docs:theme:slot:side_slot|sidebar]] It does not show: * the [[docs:theme:element:toc|table of content]] * the [[:docs:theme:slot:main_header_slot|main header]] and [[:docs:theme:slot:main_footer_slot|footer]] {{ :docs:theme:template:index_layout.svg?250&preserve=style |}} ===== Medium Version ===== If you don't want a sidebar, you can choose the ''index-medium'' version.