---json { "page_id": "977of44kw3eaeikcj76fz" } --- ====== The Holy template ====== ===== About ===== The holy [[docs:theme:template:template|template]] is the fully responsive layout known also as the ''holy grail'' with: * a page header and footer * a content header and footer * a sidebar The main content width expands to the width of the page if the sidebar is not present. This is the default layout for a [[docs:page:system:item|page item]]. ===== Custom ===== You can custom it with: * a [[docs:theme:slot:header_slot|page header slot]] * a [[docs:theme:element:page-footer|page footer slot]] * and three columns: * [[docs:theme:slot:side_slot|left slot (page side)]] * [[..:element:main|main slot (ie content)]] (main header and footer slot) ===== Containment ===== They are all [[docs:theme:element:container|contained]] in a page that is: * centered * with a width adjusted by screen size (by breakpoint) ===== The medium version without the sidebar ===== There is also a [[:docs:theme:template:medium|medium]] version known as the ''holy-medium'' without the [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|sidebar]]