---json { "page_id": "ft15slj8xyz5a2qxtkuu9" } --- ====== Hamburger Template ====== ===== About ===== ''hamburger'' {{:combostrap:icons:hamburger.svg|}} is a [[template|template]] that show only three layers. * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-header|page header]] * The [[docs:theme:element:main|main (header, content and footer)]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-footer|page footer]] The ''hamburger'' is the default layout for the [[:docs:page:system:home|website home page]] until you make it a [[:howto:landing-page|landing page]]. ===== Layout Elements ===== The ''hamburger'' supports the following elements: * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-header|page header]] * The [[docs:theme:element:main-header|main header]] * The [[docs:theme:element:toc|main toc]] * The [[docs:theme:element:main-footer|main footer]] * The [[:docs:theme:element:page-footer|page footer]] The ''hamburger'' does not support a [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|page side (sidebar)]]. The main elements are [[:docs:theme:element:container|contained]]. If you search the same template but where the content is contained in a smaller width, you should use a [[:docs:theme:template:medium|medium template]].