---json { "page_id": "wg60izvo7yl88s2v7yi49" } --- ====== App Templates ====== ===== About ===== ''app templates'' are templates for the ''app pages''. The ''app pages'' are the pages that are functional page (ie that does not render a content document). ===== List ===== These templates start with the prefix ''app'' ^ Template Name ^ Page ^ | ''app-login'' | [[:docs:app:identity|Login]] | | ''app-profile'' | [[:docs:app:identity|Profile]] | | ''app-registration'' | [[:docs:app:identity|Registration]] | | ''app-resend-pwd'' | [[:docs:app:identity|Forgotten Password]] | | ''app-edit'' | ''Edit'' | | ''app-search'' | [[:docs:app:search|Search]] | ===== Visibility ===== They are not visible to the user ===== Customization ===== The layout [[howto:theme-creation|can be customized by creating a theme]].