---json { "page_id": "y33sfbj5ynriytntmvps5" } --- ====== Page Header Layout Element ====== ===== About ===== The ''page header'' is a [[element|template layout element]] that is located at the top of your page. {{:docs:theme:element:layout_element.svg?0x250|}} ===== Design and Component ===== It contains the [[:docs:menubar:menubar|menubar]] that: * shows links or dropdown * contains a [[:docs:menubar:search|search box]] or [[:docs:content:button|button]] * controls the visibility and collapse of [[:docs:theme:element:element|layout elements]] such as the [[:docs:theme:element:page-side|sidebar]] for small screen. ===== How to change it? ===== By default, the ''page-header'' design is implemented by the [[:docs:theme:template:template|template]]. * Designers can [[:howto:theme-creation|create a custom theme]] and apply complex HTML logic. * Power users can overwrite it by creating a [[:docs:theme:slot:header_slot|page header slot]]. Most of the templates should support it except the [[docs:theme:template:minimal|blank layout]]. You should refer to the documentation of the template to confirm it.