---json { "page_id": "t9uqfg13kh50vhwvb36e8" } --- ====== ComboStrap UI - Styling ====== ===== About ===== ''Styling'' in ''ComboStrap'' is the possibility to render every [[docs:component|component]] as you wish. ''ComboStrap'' has three levels of styling: * the [[#bootstrap stylesheet|bootstrap stylesheet level]] - bootstrap standard theme * the [[#user_stylesheet|user stylesheet level]] - a stylesheet with custom rule to tune the styling precisely * the [[#attribute level]] - inline css customization * [[#standard|standard]] - a set of the most important attributes to quickly style any components. * and [[#advanced|advanced]] which let's you use the full power of HTML and CSS. ===== Levels ===== ==== Bootstrap Stylesheet ==== ''ComboStrap'' is based on ''Bootstrap'' and comes with pre-packaged stylesheets. You can even create and install your own bootstrap stylesheet. [[:docs:theme:bootstrap|Bootstrap]] ==== Theme ==== This functionality gives the possibility to the web designer to [[:docs:theme:theme|create their own theme]] and to customize every possible [[:docs:theme:template:template|layout template]]. ==== Attributes ==== === Standard === The ''standard'' attributes are: ^ Name ^ Description ^ | [[docs:styling:dimension|Dimension]] | Take control of the width and height | | [[docs:styling:align|Align]] | Align your block component | | [[docs:styling:spacing|Spacing]] | Master your layout at the pixel-perfect details | | [[color|Color]] | Text, Border and Background color made easy with name and declarative gradient | | [[docs:styling:shadow|Elevation]] | Add a shadow and elevate your component | | [[float|Float]] | Position a component to the right or left and let the content flows along its side | | [[lang|Lang]] | Set the language and direction of your text | | [[release:beta:position|Position]] | Position a component inside a container | | [[clickable|Clickable]] | Make a whole component such as a card clickable | | [[release:deprecated:text-align|Text align]] | Align the lines inside a block | | [[line-spacing|Line Spacing]] | Set the height between lines of text | | [[opacity|Opacity]] | Renders a component more or less opaque / transparent| | [[boldness|Boldness]] | Set the weight of a font (from thin to bold) | | [[font-size|Font Size]] | Set the size of the characters. | | [[underline|Underline]] | Underline one or more characters | | [[print|Print]] | Hide component on print | === Animation === * [[release:beta:onvisible|OnVisible]] - Add an animation when a component become visible * [[docs:animation:hover|OnHover]] - Add an animation when the mouse is over a component === Advanced === Every component is a [[docs:marki|html superset]] and you can therefore use the [[class|class]] for advanced styling.